Partners of One Card

On the 13th & 14th of November 2024, the UK will see the biggest business event staged to date. Celebrating 50 editions of entrepreneurialism, small businesses, and innovation, the team is going to deliver a spectacular show and will be pulling out all the stops.

In celebration of the incredible milestone, the golden 50th edition will include past keynote speakers through the years returning to deliver some exceptional insights into their journey to success. The show will have the biggest brands returning to offer their products and services to skyrocket your business to success, as well as suppliers who have been a part of the event for consecutive years.

There will also be a never-seen-before startup opportunity to win a £50,000 package of business resources including £10,000 cash to use as you please and support you in your dream venture. Prospective business owners will fill out a form on the website, with a few being personally invited to the show to pitch their idea in front of a panel of experts. The winner will receive the prize worth £50K. You won’t want to miss out on this incredible opportunity!

Our vision is to be the leading Hungarian and UK business community that impacts 1 million business leaders to grow their international reputation and scale their businesses.

HBBA provides its members with opportunities to raise their company profile and strengthen their competitiveness in the UK and international market through various events, publications and information exchange (such as knowledge transfer for SMEs, etc.).

HBBA also offers opportunities for international and regional partnerships through connections with business services from experienced HBBA members and the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, along with special offers and discounts.

''Here at WealthBuilders, we are passionate about financial literacy and empowerment for all, especially the younger generation. We believe that everyone has the right to be financially independent, not just a privileged 5%.

Achieving this requires small actions every month, but the right ones.

Over the years, we've helped thousands on their journey to financial freedom, sharing a comprehensive, tried-and-tested process.'' 


Kevin Whelan - Founder of Wealth Builders

In today’s fast-paced global business landscape, opportunities for networking, knowledge exchange, and forging meaningful partnerships are paramount. The B2B Growth Expo has been meticulously crafted to serve as a nexus where industry leaders, visionaries, and trailblazers converge, transcending boundaries and shaping the future of commerce.

Our commitment to facilitating meaningful interactions and fostering an environment of dynamic synergy is unwavering. For our esteemed exhibitors, this expo presents an unparalleled platform to showcase your cutting-edge solutions, innovations, and services that have the potential to transform industries. As you engage with a diverse audience of fellow entrepreneurs, investors, and decision-makers, seize the chance to forge alliances that will elevate your business to new heights.

Auditel is a leading Cost, Procurement & Carbon Solutions Company. We help organisations reduce their carbon emissions whilst also reducing their costs. In the current challenging economic climate, organisations are battling with the desire to drive growth and profitability, whilst investing in low carbon emitting technologies to reduce their carbon footprint and speed up their journey to achieving Net Zero.

Since 1994, we’ve built a strong network of over 100 procurement and carbon specialists. Our specialists come from a broad range of professions and industries, giving our clients access to an unrivalled level of knowledge and expertise in procurement and decarbonisation.

Using Auditel’s simple 4 step process, we can deliver solutions that will enable your organisation to achieve independent verification of carbon neutrality in the short-term.

ChairX is an International, Collaborative Peer -Group Business Network.

We are an exclusive and authentic private Membership of Executive and Non-Executive Board Directors - Chair, Non-Executive, Advisory Board Members as well as CEO, C-Level Executives, Founders, Entrepreneurs and Partners, across all industry sectors.

We can support you and the Boards on which you sit, with ongoing business networking events and discussions, to keep you up-to-date as well as fostering strong business connections that lead to opportunities.

UK Networker

UKNetworker brings together the scattered business events information, from various event organisers, into one convenient website for you.

Why trawl different event sites, event organiser sites and social media, or miss out on great events? This ever-growing, and daily updated resource keeps you informed, in a time saving way, about various opportunities to network, learn and grow your business.

The Events Portal provides a way for you or your team to search, or filter by various parameters, to find the perfect networking groups and business events for you.

Discover new event organisers; stay on top of what’s happening locally; research or target event organisers; highlight your own group or organisation

We arer looking forward to seeing more partners joining us in the future!

Check our socials for news about new partners!